Friday, November 12, 2010

Current Events!

Chinese Workers Build 15-story Hotel In Just Six Days! 

Wow thats fast, especially for building a 15 story hotel! A construction crew in the south-central Chinese city of Changsha has accomplished what I would think is nearly impossible! This is a remarkable accomplishment and it is very interesting how they constructed it. 
It's easy to imagine the disorientation of Changsha residents who'd gone away, or who just hadn't recently ventured into the downtown area of the new Ark Hotel: "Honey, I don't remember a hotel there, do you?"
The work crew erected the hotel -- a soundproofed, thermal-insulated structure supposedly able to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake -- with all prefabricated materials. Despite the frenetic pace of construction, no workers were injured -- and thanks to the prefab nature of the process, the builders wasted very few construction materials. Below is a time-lapse video that shows the hotel being built from the ground up in less than a week. Its truly amazing what people can accomplish, especially with todays technology. A normal year process only took a mere 6 days! 

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