Friday, November 19, 2010


Hey everybody, you probably have been on or at least heard of YouTube before. As you may know it's a video sharing website where you can almost find a video on almost anything. There are music videos, artists and musicians and film makers who share their art and many other people, just talking about what they do. They do what is called v-logging. Its like blogging, but through videos, hence the name v-logging comes in. Do you ever take time to listen to these people, or look at what they have provided? Some YouTubers are actually very talented and I personally subscribe to them and watch them on a regular basis. YouTube is not all just about random videos to watch, it can be very fun keeping up with these people on the site and watch their videos. I enjoy Wong Fu Productions, David Choi Music, and many others like KevJumba and Nigahiga. If you have the time, you should check them out. Don't just look at what I suggest as well, explore for yourself, you may find a person whose videos you enjoy. Do you have any personal favorites?

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