Thursday, November 18, 2010

Daytipper Post

I have wrote a tip on about Table Tennis as it relates to my SIP, because it explores the sport and how to improve in it. 

Table Tennis- Tips and Basics

"A game played with two people, rackets and a ball with a table. Points are gained from your opponents mistakes. To improve you must be consistant and master the many fundamentals such as spins. Also practice! Thats the only way to improve. Look up more on your own and improve your game!"

That is the actual post on the website, however I must wait to see if it is approved and published on the website. 
To elaborate:

 Table Tennis, a simple game of strategy and consistency. If you have seen many tournaments or competitions you will see that many of these tips come into play. However before you can even start to play, you need to know some basics of the game.
The game it self is played with two people, but four if you are playing something called "Doubles", but I will not get into that now. There is a small hallow ball, two bats or rackets and a specified table with certain dimensions. When playing, one person serves the ball, and they hit the ball back and forth. It must hit your side of the table, only ONCE and your opponents only once every time. Points are received if, the other person fails to return the ball, or if it hits twice on their side. Also if the ball they hit to you doesn't hit your side, along with many other occurrences. People usually play to 21 points per game and switch sides. That is basically how the game is played, however there is more to the game than that.
Here are some tips to help you.
There are something called spins in Table Tennis. It is when you hit the ball with your racket in a way that causes the ball to spin, in different motions. There is a spin called the Side Spin and that is when the ball spins horizontally. Spins cause the ball to do crazy things, like in the side spin, the ball curves in mid-air. Mastering and controlling spins is very key in succeeding in table tennis. You must know how to return a spin otherwise the ball will go out of control.
Another key concept in table tennis is CONSISTENCY! You don't need to know all those fancy tricks to win in table tennis. Just consistently hitting the ball back at your opponent, can lead to success. They will eventually mess up, if you can consistently hit the ball back. Mastering theses few thing can seriously step up your game. Also practice, practice, practice! That is another concept that must be used to improve yourself. Don't just read this as well, look around yourself for other tips to improve yourself. Hopefully this has helped you a bit! Good luck!

P.S Mr. Williams, the for Daytipper, I need to wait to see if it approves and publishes my tip on the website. As of right now there is no URL for my post on the site.

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