Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Work Overload!!!!!

Do you feel like you are overloaded with work sometimes? I know I do. In my head I think, "I have this and this and this due, and this, OMG and this!!" At times its very stressful but here are some tips to help overcome times when you feel overwhelmed.

  • RELAX!- Take a few minutes to just calm down and get a grasp on everything. Relax, if you are panicked and not relaxed, you usually don't accomplish anything. 
  • ORGANIZE!- List and organize all the things you have to do, so you know what you have to do. I personally like to make a to-do list. This makes things much easier and once you write it down, you don't feel as overwhelmed. You see everything you have to do and in reality, ITS NOT THAT MUCH, except for those times where you really do have an overwhelming amount of work. 
  • GET STARTED!- Once everything is in control, you can start working on your work. Remember, don't rush and pace yourself. Don't take too much time and don't rush through everything. Also take a 5 minute break every once in a while, just to take your mind off of thing and relax. 
When theres work to be done, theres work to be done. People, theres no way to avoid doing work in life, especially if you want to succeed. With these few tips, hopefully it well help you. Do you have any suggestions?

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